Posts Tagged Alan Yentob

An Intimate Glimpse into the World of a Musical Genius: David Bowie – Cracked Actor Documentary Review


“David Bowie: Cracked Actor” is an extraordinary and unmissable documentary that provides a mesmerizing and candid glimpse into the life and artistry of the iconic rock legend, David Bowie. Filmed during his 1974 “Diamond Dogs” tour, this film offers a raw and unfiltered portrayal of the enigmatic artist at a pivotal moment in his career.

Directed by Alan Yentob, the documentary takes an unprecedented approach by allowing the camera to roll continuously, capturing Bowie in unguarded moments. This unfiltered presentation offers an intimate view of Bowie’s life on the road, unedited and without glossing over any aspect of his personality. It shows the real man behind the glam rock persona, revealing his vulnerabilities, struggles, and moments of introspection.

Bowie’s willingness to open up to the camera is striking, as he talks openly about his challenges with substance abuse and the psychological toll of fame. This unfiltered honesty gives viewers a deeper understanding of the complex and multifaceted artist behind the music. It humanizes Bowie, making him more relatable and empathetic to the audience, transcending the image of an untouchable rock star.

The documentary also delves into the creative process behind Bowie’s music and performances, capturing unscripted rehearsals and candid discussions with his band and collaborators. These intimate moments showcase Bowie’s dedication to his craft and his commitment to pushing artistic boundaries. Witnessing the evolution of his stage persona, particularly the transformation into Ziggy Stardust, is a treat for fans and an insightful experience for those less familiar with his iconic personas.

In addition to the behind-the-scenes footage, the documentary features electrifying live performances, showcasing Bowie’s magnetic stage presence and showmanship. The raw energy and charisma he exudes during his concerts demonstrate the powerful connection he had with his audience and the profound impact of his music on the world.

The documentary is a time capsule that transports viewers back to the 1970s, immersing them in the atmosphere of the era. From the flamboyant costumes and hairstyles to the vibrant energy of live concerts, the film perfectly captures the spirit of the time and the cultural significance of Bowie’s music in that context.

“David Bowie: Cracked Actor” is a must-watch for any music lover, offering an unfiltered and intimate view of the enigmatic artist. Its raw and honest portrayal of David Bowie adds depth to his legend, revealing the human behind the icon. With electrifying performances, candid interviews, and a unique behind-the-scenes look at Bowie’s creative process, this documentary is a remarkable tribute to a musical genius whose influence continues to resonate in the hearts of millions.

Reviewed by Pat Harrington

Cracked Actor is available for free download here

Image credit: By BBC – BBC iPlayer, Fair use,

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